
Module tock.machines

This module contains Tock’s main data structure, the Machine class, and associated classes and functions.

class tock.machines.Machine(store_types, state=None, input=None)

A machine (automaton) that accepts or rejects strings. It has one or more stores, which can act as states, stacks, tapes, etc. When it is run on a string, the stores are initialized to a start configuration and rewritten by transitions until an accept configuration is reached or no more rewrites are possible.

  • store_types – A list of store types, one for each store. Allowed types are BASE, STREAM, and TAPE. See add_transition and add_accept_state for explanation of these types.

  • state (int) – The index of the store which is the state. The state is usually what distinguishes the start and accept configurations, and it is also treated specially when reading/writing machines.

  • input (int) – The index of the store which is the input store. When the machine is run on a string, the input store is initialized to the string.

High-level interface

property num_stores

How many stores the Machine has.

add_transition(lhs, rhs)

Add a transition. The argument can either be a Transition or a left-hand side and a right-hand side.

  • If a store is a STREAM, there should not be an rhs; an empty rhs is automatically inserted.

  • If a store is a TAPE, there should be two rhs’s: a write (whose position is ignored) and a move (L or R).


Add a list of transitions (see add_transition).


Return an iterator over all transitions, as AlignedTransitions.

  • For any stores of type STREAM, the generated transitions do not have an rhs for the input.

  • For any stores of type TAPE, the generated transitions will have an additional field to indicate a move (L or R).

property states

The set of all possible states.


Set the start configuration with q as the start state. The input store will be initialized to the input string, and all other stores will be initialized to the empty string.


Return the start state.


Add an accept configuration with q as the state. Any stores with type STREAM must reach the end of the string in order to accept. All other stores will not have any accepting conditions.


Add a list of accept states (see add_accept_state).


Return the set of accept states.

Low-level interface

Tests for different types of automata


Tests whether machine is a finite automaton.


Tests whether machine is a pushdown automaton.


Tests whether machine is a Turing machine.


Tests whether machine is deterministic.

class tock.machines.Store(values=(), position=0)
class tock.machines.Store(store)

A string together with a head position. It is used either as a store of a Machine or as a pattern to be matched against a store of a Machine.

  • values – Sequence of Symbols

  • position (int) – The head position, between -1 and len(values)

  • store (Store or str) – Another Store to copy, or a str to convert to a Store


A sequence of Symbols


Returns true iff self (as a pattern) matches other (as a store). Note that this is asymmetric: other is allowed to have symbols that aren’t found in self.

class tock.machines.Configuration(stores)
class tock.machines.Configuration(config)

A configuration, which is essentially a tuple of Stores.

  • stores – A tuple of Stores

  • config (Configuration or str) – Another Configuration to copy, or a str to convert to a Configuration


Returns true iff self (as a pattern) matches other (as a configuration). Note that this is asymmetric: other is allowed to have symbols that aren’t found in self.

class tock.machines.Transition(lhs, rhs)
class tock.machines.Transition(transition)

A transition from one Configuration to another Configuration.


Returns True iff self can be applied to config.

class tock.machines.AlignedTransition(transitions)

A Transition that has an alignment between the lhs and rhs. These are generated by get_transitions so that even if the number of lhs and rhs stores changes, we can still keep track of their relationship to the machine’s stores.

If t is an AlignedTransition, t[i] is a Transition containing the lhs and rhs just for store number i.

Module tock.operations

This module contains various operations on automata.


Determinizes a finite automaton.

tock.operations.equivalent(m1, m2)

Test whether two DFAs are equivalent, using the Hopcroft-Karp algorithm.

tock.operations.intersect(m1, m2)

Intersect two Machines.

Both machines should have a state as store 0 and input STREAM as store 1. For example,

  • Both can be finite automata, in which case this is the standard product construction.

  • One can be an NFA and the other a PDA, in which case the result is a PDA.

  • The intersection of two PDAs would be a two-stack PDA.


Given a NFA m, construct a new NFA that accepts all prefixes of strings accepted by m.


Runs machine m on string w, automatically selecting a search method.

param m:

The machine to run.

type m:


param w:

The string to run on.

type w:


param trace:

Print the steps of the simulation to stdout.

type trace:


param steps:

Maximum number of steps to run the simulation.

type steps:


param show_stack:

For PDAs, the maximum depth of the stack to show.

type show_stack:



A Graph whose nodes are the configurations reachable from the start configuration (which has the attribute start=True). It has an accept configuration (attribute accept=True) iff m accepts w.